Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Daily tips for Garlic

GARLIC- Daily uses and tips


Hey guys, today in this blog I am going to make you aware of some daily uses of garlic
In this we will show you some essential uses of Garlic and some daily tips you can make use of which daily,
Garlic, basically known as 'Lasoon' in India, most commonly used in cooking worldwide, Garlic plays a very important role in Cooking and is easily available in everyone's house. Lets us know some more important uses of Garlic.

Garlic helps to grow beautiful long hair.

Garlic contains allicin, a sulphur compound which is found in Onions and which helps to increase the growth of hair.
One can effectively mix garlic with oil and rub or massage your scalp and then wash it off, 
Hence Garlic can help you stop your hair loss problem and grow beautiful long hair 

Avoid mosquito bites

Scientist proved that mosquito doesn't bite when you apply garlic on your hands. They clearly don't know the reason why mosquitoes don't seem to like garlic. But it can effectively be used to apply while you are in an area covered of mosquitoes.

Protect plants with garlic.

Garden pest do not like garlic, hence you can make a garlic insecticide by using garlic, mineral water, Liquid soap and protect your plants from garden pests 

Garlic controls cholesterol levels 

Garlic helps to reduce or control the cholesterol level as 
  • It controls blood pressure
  • Prevents clotting 
  • Breaks the plaques on the inner wall of arteries 
  • Doesn't damage inner walls of blood vessels 

These are some daily tips of garlic which are really simple and some of its uses.

Hence, Garlic plays a very important role in ones life. Garlic is necessary. One should use it in cooking food, and to grow beautiful hair.

Here are some Daily uses for Garlic, Stay tuned for some more
Take care
Lots of love.